Monday, April 19, 2004

The Marvel Comics folks have got to stop screwing up the books. I just found out that they are completely changing the X-Men books around and creating new books and moving characters from one book to another. I hate it when they do this. I have subscriptions for titles that I may not want once they start this. But nothing tops what they did with the Spider Girl comic book. They said they were cancelling it and then they changed their minds. So, I vowed I would never again subscribe to that one, even though I really liked it, and I haven't. And what these Marvel people need to realize is that not everyone has access to all of their beloved books. There's only one store in my town that has comic books for sale and it might sell only a couple of X-Men books. How am I supposed to find these other new books and see if I like them if they aren't sold in every store across the country? There's something ineffective about this kind of marketing strategy.

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