Saturday, July 30, 2005

The dogs got a bath again today. Fritz took off outside and hid from me to avoid his bath. But I finally caught him. I made a cobbler for dad from blackberries he picked a year or two ago and froze. He will have to tell me how good it is because I don't eat cobblers. I still haven't watched any of the season 4 episodes of Andromeda, despite getting the dvds on Monday. Right now I'm watching golf and Vijay Singh is leading at 20 under, and currently Tiger is 11 under. Do you see my smile :)

Work is really starting to tick me off. The evil adjustment unit has decided that even if they are wrong, they won't fix what they are wrong about. Must be nice. Oh well, Charlotte knows so I'm sure that has spurred many a new email to the people down there. She loves her forward button on those emails.

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