I'm still following the I Can Make You Thin system. A package of chips ahoy soft chocolate chip cookies has lasted me pretty much all week. I've been able to stop at 4 or 5 for a snack and haven't had that "eat them all now and you can start the diet again tomorrow" thought. I'm also doing some yoga most days. I think I'm going to end up taking today off from exercise. It is Friday and I have to celebrate the weekend somehow.
I've had that Leona Lewis song, Bleeding Love, in my head all day today after hearing it on the radio this morning. I have a feeling I'm going to end up buying that cd just for that song. It would have to be just for that song since I don't think I've heard any of her other ones.
The laptop is still working pretty well. I hope it continues.
As for the Olympics, those Chinese gymnasts do look like 12 year olds so I hope the investigation that seems to be in the works will result in some kind of action. Part of the Olympic spirit comes from following the rules and being honorable. I would like to see more rhythmic gymnastics. I don't know when it's on or if it's done. I get stuck watching water polo and of course they have to have boxing on every day for two solid weeks. But then, in a world of violence like we have on Earth, I shouldn't be surprised that there would be so many people wanting to beat each other up.
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