Thursday, September 25, 2003

I'm a Winner!!!

Okay, so it's not the lottery, but I did win something. Today, my co-worker, Julie, bought me a Hershey's candybar as a thank-you for all the work I do. Well, printed on the inside of that wrapper was a winning game piece for some game they are doing. I won a second prize of a bag of Jolly Rancher candy. At least it wasn't a third prize. So, I showed the wrapper to Julie and she said, "this is your lucky day." And I said, "Yeah. All these audits you're referring to me and a free bag of candy. How can life get any better?" Needless to say, Julie thought that was most hilarious.

The computers are up now. The router has been fixed or replaced. You don't know how much that thrills me. (Can you see that sarcasm between those lines?)

Treasured Moment in TV: I was reminded today of the WKRP In Cincinnati episode in which the station was doing a Thanksgiving Day stunt. Johnny Fever's famous line: "I swear! I thought turkeys could fly!" LOLOL!!! For those who forgot this moment - turkeys were thrown off the roof of the radio station. Relax Peta People, I don't advocate that. Turkeys should meet their death the traditional way. A razor sharp axe blade slicing quickly and efficiently through the neck. Boy, they don't make shows like that anymore. Nowadays it's reality this and reality that. Blah, Blah, Blah...

And I am confronted with a most curious conundrum. Why is it that while the value of my car depreciates over time (as evidenced by my decreasing property tax bill) it costs more to insure it? It's worth less and I'm paying more to protect it. Following this thinking, I can finally understand why the Administration is paid so well and why they want $87B for their folly - uh, I mean war.

And if you can't get enough of the Most Wanted Deck of cards, here's the Russian version.

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