I did not get my paycheck today. It comes like clockwork in the mail every payday. But I didn't get it today. Tomorrow I will email the personnel office and report it. There may be a chance it was misdelivered by the mail carrier and will turn up in a couple of days, but I will report it anyway because if it doesn't, I want it on record that I reported it missing as soon as I could so that if someone forges my signature and cashes it, I won't be out the money.
It's been so hot here lately. In the 90s. This evening we had a good thunderstorm and it's cooled off some. I'm glad.
I'm back on the chicken soup diet so I can lose some weight. Today a woman at work told me I was too skinny. I didn't tell her I'd gained 8 pounds. They would kill me at work if they knew that.
I bought a miniskirt today at Walmart. I can't bend over in it, but I like it. I'll find somewhere to wear it.
I'm working on some writing. I don't know if I'll finish it or if it will be anything but horrible, but I'm writing.
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