Friday, May 14, 2004

If you've been to Scarlett's blog, then you've seen her post about a possible road trip/vacation that the Cubicle Commando squad may be taking. I don't know how I got tricked into going, you usually can't pry me away from home for anything. Even Pollylougene has a hard time getting me to a movie, which by the way we are going to this weekend. I think it's Van Helsing. I have to get the time it starts for Polly. Hugh Jackman - how can I NOT see this movie?

Speaking of Polly, she has graciously consented to sell my soon to be spare dvds of Andromeda 1.1 and 1.2 on ebay. I buy on ebay, I don't sell stuff. I offered her a percentage of the profit for doing it, but she wouldn't take it. I guess her Buddhist sensibilities lead her to believe that doing something for nothing will bring her good karma.

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