Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Welcome to Oz....

So, I had a weird experience today. Little Miss Commissioner called me about an audit and acted like I was her new best friend. Of course, for her, it might have been 'only friend'. I don't know how she can be so rude in email, but sound so nice on the phone. Still don't like her, I don't care what she does. My phone got used 5 whole times today. Usually I never get phone calls. You all should see the dust on the phone. Oh and here's an anecdote about April, Julie and the training that April's doing this week. April is attending her first level training class. She's ready for something like level 2 and a half, but they won't let her skip level 1. The trainer told the people in the class today that they are not to ask other technicians in the office questions about doing audits. They are to email the training unit the questions. Well, Julie, in her big rumble with management about not getting reclassified into a Specialist 3 position, is not allowed to answer questions from the other workers in the office either. So, I told Julie about what they told April and said, "I feel just like Julie now!" LOL! Julie loved it.

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