Monday, May 24, 2004

Last night was the season finales of two of my favorite shows: Alias and Andromeda. I'll talk about Andromeda over in the "The Earth Hath Skin" blog (but vaguely as Polly hasn't seen the finale yet). As for Alias, I was pleased. It had a cliffhanger, but nothing that would torture me for the next 7 months. I was glad that Lauren got shot about a dozen times. I was glad that Vaughn was the one to shoot her. I was glad that Syd got the better of Katya Derevko. Presumably, Jack is still CIA, but we don't really know what it was that Syd was reading at the end of the episode. All we know is that they were CIA documents, or at least some of them were. And Weiss got some words to say in this episode and actually had a little camera time. Yay!

Today, I finally got my Andromeda dvds. I was under the impression that they would come in a collective box like my Alias dvds, but apparently the box is not. But as soon as I verify that dvds 1 and 2 are in working order, I will be able to let Polly sell my other 1 and 2 on ebay. Polly wants to see Shrek 2, so I might have to see it with her just to give her my dvds to sell. I don't know if it will be playing this weekend though.

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