Friday, October 07, 2005

If It Weren't For Bad Luck........

Today was planned as a shopping day. I woke up to find it was raining. Strike #1. I got ready and got in my car and started down the driveway, only to encounter a tree across the driveway. Strike #2. Dad cleared that tree away and I started off again. Made the sharp turn in the driveway only to find another tree in my way. Strike #3. I got out of the car and cleared some of it away, but couldn't get the bigger stuff. And I got dirty to boot. So, I called Dad on the cell phone and made him come down to get this tree out of the way too. An hour after I first left the house, I finally made it out of the driveway. I was convinced that God did not want me to spend money today and was placing these obstacles in my way to prevent me from shopping. But wait, it gets better. I hit town and decided to stop at the gas station to fill up. It was packed. Consider that strike #4. So, I continued on to the bank, planning to stop at another gas station on the way. It was packed. We're now up to #5. From the bank on, the rain was the biggest challenge. And the old people driving around looking for farmers' markets to crash into. I think the last big disappointment of the day was when I didn't find many clothes to buy. I only bought one shirt. And, at Walmart, one of the silicone pot holders I wanted to buy got sucked under the conveyor belt and no one could find it. That was another little communique from God.

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