I think I'm getting over the cold. I should be able to get back on the treadmill tomorrow. I took the dogs out for a bit today. The neighbor's german shepherd was once again out there. If I didn't throw like a girl, I'd be trying to throw things at him to run him off.
I made some biscuits this afternoon. I really want to make a cake or brownies or something, but I chose biscuits instead - less dirty dishes and there's no sugar in biscuits. I also made some chicken noodle soup to eat this week. I got a pack of Mom and Dad's hamburger from the freezer to fry up for Steffi since she has about three or four more days of pills to go. That hamburger came from a cow I knew personally, so I don't eat it. But Steffi doesn't care.
I'm feeling like I should be making a conscious effort to do something. I don't know what. But with the nice sunny early spring weather we've had today and with some news I had this past week, I'm thinking I should start something new; make some kind of commitment. I'm sure this will pass as I get back to work and all this pleasantness is replaced with the suckiness of work.
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