Wednesday, March 29, 2006

What's Happening

What's been going on around here? Well, I'm trying the puppy thing again. I got a chihuahua puppy tonight after work. Mom and Dad are puppysitting for me until Friday evening. Friday after work I'm going to get my puppy, named Phoebe, and bring her home. I hope Fritz and Steffi get along well with her. Fritz is a very jealous dog. Tonight I rubbed a towel all over Phoebe and brought it home. Then I sat on the floor with the towel and rubbed the towel up against Fritz and Steffi and told them that Phoebe loves them. I petted Steffi and Fritz a lot while letting them sniff the towel. I'm hoping they will associate Phoebe's smell with all the attention I'm giving them. That might make them more accepting of Phoebe. I'm also thinking that if Phoebe works out, I might have her have a litter of puppies before I get her fixed. She wasn't cheap (being AKC registered and all) and puppies would be a way to recoup some of my money. I have Mom and Dad puppysitting because I want to do the House Train Your Dog in Seven Days method and I won't be home all day until Saturday. At first I was thinking I would take all next week off from work. But I am really concerned that I will not want to go back to work if I have 9 straight days off, so I think on Thursday and Friday I might go into work and work from 8am to Noon for those two days. It won't interfere with the training as I have already worked out a schedule for Phoebe to follow.

Mom has plenty of time to puppysit since she can't get on the internet. Her computer is still broken and she still doesn't have her recovery disk. I was at Walmart this morning buying a baby gate for the puppy and I checked out the computers they had. The cheapest one was over $450.00. That's a lot of money. One month of Mom's medical insurance is probably that much.

I got to Mom and Dad's house with Phoebe tonight around 6pm. Mom and Dad had the door open waiting for me and they started grinning and cooing over Phoebe. Phoebe looks a lot like Susie, Mom's chihuahua who died a few years ago. Susie is also Steffi's mom. Phoebe looks gray in real life, but in pictures she looks red. I took Phoebe to the vet tonight for a physical since I got her from a pet store and the Vet says she is a healthy and good dog. She weighs 4.1 pounds, which surprised me. My ASPCA Guidebook of Dogs book says a chihuahua would only be between 2 and 6 pounds. I think Phoebe is going to be bigger than that. She's only 14 weeks old.

If Phoebe works out, I'll post a picture or two of her. I really hope Fritz and Steffi make up with her.

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