Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Elvis recorded "Hey Jude"??

He must have because I'm listening to him sing it on the Satellite radio station. Strange. Anyway, this means that we still have the Elvis radio station on the satellite dish. I figured we'd lose it after the preview days but we still have it. YAY!!!

Today I found out that for the second quarter this year, I was completely Error Free at work. The evil state office people keep an 'error rate' on me (such as it is considering how many mistakes they make) and for the second quarter my error rate was ZERO! April and Tony had a lot of fun with that today. They said my head was getting so big that I'd need to knock down a wall of my cube and expand. And then Tony said the only reason the evil state office people said I made no errors was because they were all afraid of me. LOL! Afraid, error free, it's all success to me.

I'm getting tired of the Miss Real Estate working her real estate job when she's supposed to be working her state job. Her cell phone rings all the time and if it bothers me this much, imagine how poor Scarlett feels, her cube is right next to Miss Real Estate's office. I really think the official Personnel people need to make a rule about cell phones at work. And someone should turn in Miss Real Estate for working her second job while she's supposed to be working her first one. There is Personnel policy about that. But I hear Miss Real Estate is a buddy of the RAM so it might not be a good idea to complain. I guess the only option is to make so much noise that she is drowned out. Or we could each take turns calling Scarlett's cell phone all day long and drive Miss Real Estate's workers nuts. Better not tell Scarlett that idea, she'd actually do it. A definite rebel, that girl :)

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