Thursday, July 01, 2004

When last we heard from the fearless leader of the CC Squad*.....

(*CC Squad = Cubicle Commando Squad)

..... Granny had really ticked me off and I'd sent an email to my RAM complaining. Well, the RAM sent the email on to Granny's boss and Granny's Boss's boss. Yesterday Granny's boss responded but I didn't want to ruin my 4 day vacation so I didn't open the email. Today, my RAM responded so that meant I had to actually read both emails. I didn't want her to be fighting the battle for me if I'd already moved on. So, it turns out that Granny's Boss agreed with me. Great. Only now another state office worker has ticked me off. We will call her Thyme, (if you knew her real name, you'd understand the reference). I had done an audit on one case to move some money over to another one. The other case didn't need an audit since it started in June and only June's debt was owed. But Thyme wanted to be nitpicky and said that case needed an audit. So, I did the stupid audit for a whole month's worth of debt and sent it to her. Then I sent another email to the RAM, this time warning her that it wasn't meant to be forwarded on to anyone, and complained about Thyme. I ended the email by saying that I was beginning to think they are nitpicking and not really trying to do their jobs. The RAM told me once that the reason they do things like this is because I intimidate them. But I think the real reason is because they are JEALOUS of me. They should be.

And yes, you read it right, I do have another vacation coming up. It starts tomorrow and runs through Monday. That's the price a person pays for working for an employer with a 'take it or lose it' policy on vacation days. This year I was given 17 days vacation and if I don't use them all, then I will lose them. So, instead of waiting around and ending up taking the whole month of December off, I planned out my whole vacation schedule for the whole year back in January. It's only a tentative schedule and can be changed if I need it to be. But the bosses appreciate my thoughtfulness.

Ugh! I just had a sudden urge to bake something. Must be the vacation kicking in. I'm getting the distinct desire for cake.

Scarlett and Double A (Admiral April) took off to the mountains for a couple of days. Or at least that was the plan when I last saw them. They may have changed their minds again. I hope Scarlett talks about the trip on her blog. You remember that blog of yours, don't you Scarlett? What's it called..... Guilty Telegram? No, that's not it. No Contest Memorandum? No, I don't think that's right either. Oh yeah, Scarlett's Innocent Postcard! That's it!

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