Saturday, September 17, 2005

I've been helping Mom gather up boxes to pack her stuff in. I go buy plastic storage bins and then move all the stuff I have in boxes into those bins which frees up the boxes for mom. So far I have filled four big plastic bins and given Mom 6 or 7 boxes. And before you ask, Mom wants boxes, not storage bins. Boxes are small enough for her to carry. Mom's packed some things, but she and Dad are working on bigger things with the house right now - getting the appliances and carpet that they need. The appliances should be delivered next week. The carpet is supposed to be installed next week too, but I don't know if that's going to happen or what. The saleslady was supposed to call them about something but she hasn't.

I dyed my hair today. It doesn't look all that different. I deliberately chose a color close to mine so if I screwed it up, it wouldn't look so bad. It's only temporary and will wash out within a couple of weeks. But I like it. It's a little bit red. I will have to practice more with it.

I finally got my Alias Calendar from today. The stupid mailman folded it and stuffed it in the mail box. I guess Alias is just jinxed for some reason.

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