Thursday, September 01, 2005

Today I donated money to Hurricane Katrina Disaster Relief at Walmart. And I have the mailing address for the American Red Cross and will be mailing a money order to them tomorrow. Everyone should donate to the Red Cross or other official charitable organizations. It's very clear that the US Government is dropping the ball when it comes to providing aid to the victims of this disaster. It shames me to see people dying in the streets in New Orleans while President Bush holds press conferences in the extravagant comfort of the Oval Office while wearing a suit that costs enough to buy probably 1000 gallons of water or more for those victims. I applaud the news organizations for showing the reality of the situation American citizens are facing in the wake of this tragedy. The world needs to know that the current administration is letting down its own citizenry while pouring money and resources into Iraq, a country we shouldn't have been involved in to begin with.

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