Monday, January 12, 2004

Well, moving the treadmill was not in vain. I worked out this morning. I got up at 5:30am, only 15 minutes earlier than I usually do, and did 20 minutes on the treadmill (nearly a mile - I'll get better at that the more I walk), 5 minutes on my stairclimber (I used it because I like how my calf muscles are shaping up from using it), 20 minutes of pilates, and about 7 minutes of playing with really light (3 pound) weights (I'm going to alternate between my 3 and 4 pound weights just to give my arms some exercise). Everyone at work is doing something. They are either going to the gym after work, or doing the Atkins thing, or the Scarsdale diet, or they're working out on their own at home like me. Scarlett has lost 15 pounds (Yay!!!!!!!! You rock!!!)

Alias was really good last night. Not enough Jack though. But next week's episode promises to make up for it.

I made up a new box for the Neighborcat. This one is a little bigger and has a better entrance so he can get in there and keep the wind off of him on these cold nights. If he comes back to that spot. I think if I ever get a house of my own, I'll have to take Neighborcat with me and make him into a house cat to keep him safe. Hopefully he will make up with Fritz cause I'll have to take Fritz with me too.

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