Wednesday, June 23, 2004

I just read an entry on Wil Wheaton's blog about how the makers of some dorky video game chose to believe some lame website's "assertion" (aka false statement) that Wil had claimed he had been cast in a role in the video game rather than check Wil's site and read the entry in question for themselves. First of all, anyone who reads Wil Wheaton's blog knows he doesn't get cast in anything that often and his real success comes from his writing and his sketch comedy stuff (and his role on the Teen Titans cartoon). Second, if the dorky video game makers are this irresponsible, makes you wonder just how good the game will be. Good thing I'm a tv and book girl, or I'd be tempted to boycott the video game makers in a show of support for Wil. As it is, I will just say that money spent on video games could be better spent doing other stuff. Feeding some starving kids in Africa. Saving the lives of some pets on death row in an animal shelter. Buying a ticket to see Michael Moore's movie, Fahrenheit 9/11 (Moore needs the money to buy a new baseball cap). Buying Bill Clinton's autobiography (carrying it out of the store is good exercise as it's so huge). Donating some money to the Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation (Superman needs you now). Not that there's anything fundamentally wrong with video games. I just think that once in a while, for your health, you should put down your control thingy and actually walk out into the sun and get some fresh air. Or at least take one of those little gameboy things outside and play it there. Or, there could be a resurgence in interest for the game of dodgeball after everyone sees the movie.

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