Monday, August 09, 2004

Mish-mash of thoughts

Hmmm.... let's see, a tv news crew showed up at the P-Burg office wanting to interview the RAM for something. I don't know what, but I told Polly and Scarlett to find out and let me know. All Tony would say was "hmm. Interesting." Tony and the new boss talked for a while in his cube and he didn't even have the courtesy to raise his voice a little so I could eavesdrop. I told him that once she was gone he would have to tell me everything because he and I have no secrets between each other. Hahaha!!!! Remember a few days ago when I talked about Lazy Lydia? Well, the Ram had emailed me on a case that Lydia referred for audit and I got to point out all of Lydia's mistakes, thereby proving that fate does have a way of giving you justice. Heeheehee!!! It seems all the idiot drivers converged on the Krogers parking lot tonight and I ended up running into all of them (figuratively speaking)when I got there. I'm reading a really good book by Diana Palmer right now. I can't wait to get back to it. I put on my jeans this morning after two days of working out to find that they fit a little more loosely than they did last week. Yay! I might just keep up this working out thing for a while.

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