Monday, August 30, 2004

I attempted the Lemon Pepper Chicken tonight on the George Foreman Grill. It was pretty lemony. Not so peppery. And it needed salt. But it was pretty good all the same. I made enough for most of this week. However, the grill tended to burn the marinade. I guess culinary experts would actually call it "blackened". I called it a treat for Steffi and Fritz. It's a good thing I didn't follow the recipe exactly. The recipe wanted to use 2/3 cup of lemonade drink mix, but I only used three little packets of lemonade KoolAid. That was plenty. I think I like the chicken Quesadillas better.

Even after all that cooking, I still found time to walk for about a half an hour. I hope all this exercise will pay off. It's hard to tell. I tried on another pair of jeans that don't fit yet and couldn't tell any difference from last week when I tried them on. Oh well, I'll have four days off this weekend, so maybe I'll be able to work out more.

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