Thursday, September 23, 2004

Work was pretty quiet today. This morning, I used an orange napkin and scrunched paper to make a spider to hang in John's doorway of his office. Here's the long story that leads up to the spider: Scarlett sent an email to us telling us that because a spider bit her on the face, she was going to need a plastic surgeon and a cat scan because the spot that got bitten had become swollen. John responded to the email that he thought a spider had bit him on his stomach because it looked swollen (meaning he's gained some weight). So, I made the spider today and hung it in the doorway to tease him. Then April mentioned something about the Charlotte's Web book and how the spider had weaved messages into her webs. It was funny since our RAM is named Charlotte.

Also today, we received gift bags for employee appreciation week. The gifts were post-it notes. But the tissue paper that was stuffed in the gift bag was the real prize. I got mine and Tony's and wallpapered a shelf in my cube. It has a swirl and stars pattern so it goes great with my magic wand. Then later, April and I got John's tissue paper and April taped it to the file cabinet in my cube as sort of a table cloth. My cube's so pretty now. LOL! Oh, and April and I had some left over ice cream from yesterday's ice cream sundae even to celebrate employee appreciation week. Tomorrow is "hot dog it's Friday" for employee appreciation week. I'm not a big hot dog fan, too many Jay Leno jokes about what they are made of, but they are free so I will have to participate.

And Scarlett, my dad says he knows a guy who had a big swollen spot sprout on his cheek bone and it turned out to be a sinus problem. So, the spider bite might not be the culprit.

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