Monday, March 08, 2004

Work Rant #2

Darlena asked me for a third straight day about that same case. And as for Greg, he faxed me our accounting, but not the other state's as I had requested from him twice. So, I had to have the field attorney instruct him to request the accounting from the other state. Then Greg sent me two cases that had errors. Had to email him on those. I've begun including the supervisor in those emails. He's worn out my patience. They've added another night to the big 3 day training conference we have to go to. It isn't enough that I have such a backlog, I'll be training a new worker, and testing new programming, but they think they can send me away for three days and nights to this training. Not to mention it's going to cost the government a fortune that it doesn't have to send us all there and pay hotel, meals and travel for three days. I'm still trying to get out of it. If I can't, I will gladly tell my supervisors to not ask about my backlog and how I'm getting along. They obviously don't care.

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