Sunday, April 25, 2004

This morning I got up, put a load of laundry in the washer, fed the animals, walked the dogs, and then, I put on my tennis shoes and went walking outside for about 40 minutes. I walked yesterday too. I guess I'm back in the working out mode for a while. It'll last a couple of weeks probably. I also did some pilates yesterday. I'm going to try to do some more of that today. We've moved my treadmill and stepper machine to their warm weather location out in the sunroom. That was a chore in itself. We had to move a lot of junk to make room for them. But it has inspired dad to throw some of that junk away. Neighborcat has been taking his medicine the last few days. I think there might be a couple more doses left. It looks like his toe is healing up too, but it's still bigger than the others and the claw is still sticking out. Dad thinks Neighborcat might lose the claw.

About a week ago, I planted 4 blueberry plants in the yard. I bought them at walmart and since I'd never had any success at all with this brand of plants I figured they would all die, but two of them are doing really well, and the other two are hanging in there. Maybe in a few years my parents will have some blueberries. They already have wild blackberry bushes. I bought Dad a couple of grape vines and he set those out, next to my garden of course. Dad doesn't always pick the best locations for his trees and plants. And Dad planted a couple of plum seeds in my miniature orange tree pot a few days ago. I just found out yesterday. I told him I wished he wouldn't do that because it disturbs the roots of my orange tree whenever I have to dig up the other plants, but he doesn't seem to care. I have a whole bag of potting soil out on the porch and he just couldn't be bothered to walk that far to plant the seeds the right way. It's that King of the Castle Syndrome again. Hopefully, one day I will have my own place and I can be Queen.

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