Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Today was an ok day at work. George, a guy from Boone county, has apparently lost all his good sense. He has taken an adversarial tone with his supervisors. Granted, they may be a little too demanding, but you don't get hostile with the boss. It almost never works out for you. So, they are demanding that George catch up his backlog of work by the 12th. Well, he has a backlog because he's covering another office, not because he's a lazy worker. But the bosses never think of that. They just see what hasn't been done and want to punish you for it. And they have never done his job so they don't know what's possible to be done in a day's time. George has a doctor's excuse for two weeks off to get him out of doing his backlog. He drives me nuts.

Dad says the replacement neighbor cat was run over the other day on the road. I saw the black and white, but I wasn't sure if it was a cat or not. I called him the replacement neighbor cat because it was the second black and white cat to appear at our house to eat our cats' food. The first black and white cat, we call him Neighborcat because we believe he belongs to the neighbors, still lives part time at our house. Which is good considering we spent $140.00 to get his tail taken off because some wild animal had gotten hold of him. The poor cat was going to die if nothing was done. At least Neighborcat the First has stopped much of his fighting with our other cats. They still don't get along, but I haven't seen any new scratches on the cats.

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