Saturday, November 15, 2003

Another study proves chocolate is good for you. Don't know about all those marshmallows though.

Another bill proves Republicans are on the take from special interests. The last line of the article says it all. I would suggest that you write your representatives in Washington, but if they are Republican, they won't listen unless you're a lobbyist and if they're Democrats, then apparently they can't even get into the committees to actually do their jobs.

Some may laugh at this, but I wouldn't be surprised if he actually intended to do it.

Another article on the Bush Administration's efforts to mislead the American people and the International Community.

Finally, someone speaking out against the Bush Administration and the "Patriot Act" aka "Only the Bush Administration is entitle to freedom and civil liberties in this country"

Too bad the Bush Administration and the Republicans in Congress have already sold their meager souls to the Oil Industry.

How did this one slip by the Bush Administration? Someone actually has a civil liberty despite the Patriot Act.

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