Wednesday, November 26, 2003

I really have had it with the Current Administration!!! Now they are going to be producing Nuclear Weapons! Well, if we only ticked off half of the industrialized world when we invaded Iraq, the other half has just been accomodated with this little piece of news. Congratulations Dubya, you've just killed the rest of us.

Peace breaks out in spite of Bush's Plan for World-wide Destruction and Domination.

I'll have to check out this website.

This is for Scarlett.

You can always count on Pravda!

* Sigh * Again, I ask for everyone to write to their Congressional Representatives. Heck, write to other people's representatives and use fake addresses so they think you live in their district. But, don't let rhetoric like this destroy the very fabric of our nation. Bush is salivating at a chance for this to happen thereby creating a dictatorship for himself. Don't let him win!

Getting off the soapbox....... Whooohoooo!!! I got the X2 DVD TODAY!!!!! totally rocks. I'm so excited, I can't wait to watch it. I was shocked to see it today because I just got Amazon's "your order has shipped" email yesterday. And I have four whole days off due to Thanksgiving and the weekend. That makes life a whole lot better. Fritz bit Dad today. Dad says one more time and he has to go. But I might be able to stretch that out. Dad just has to realize that he has to start understanding Fritz and begin modifying his behavior to keep Fritz from doing these things. When Dad's dog would chase us and growl at us and try to bite us for being around Dad, he thought it was cute. But now that the shoe's on the other foot, it doesn't seem so cute anymore.

I am not liking Magneto right now in the New X-Men comics. He's trying to kill all the homo sapiens again but this time he's being even more mean about it. But Magneto's addicted to some drug that enhances mutant powers so his hatred for humanity is also larger than life. The usual teaser, "An X-Man will Die" has been tossed around for this arc. Wonder which one it will be this time? Of course the real question is: How long will they stay dead?

And when did Rhade join up with Dylan Hunt on the tv show Andromeda? I didn't think they got along and then Tyr had to go and start a new war and everything. Don't get me wrong, I think they needed to add another male character in the void that Tyr left, but gee, I miss a few episodes and they go and do something like this. I still think Molly should have joined the crew. But Dylan doesn't need that many women around him all the time.

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