Saturday, November 15, 2003

Jesse Ventura once again expounded on the evil of a two party political system tonight on his show. One of his more amusing comments - he said he had remarked to someone that America was only one step better than Communist Russia - Russia gave you one choice in an election and America, being ever so much more advanced, gives you TWO choices. He also interviewed college basketball coach Bobby Knight, newsmaker for his temper. Jesse also spotlighted the Senate non-vote on the $87 Billion aid package for Iraq. He thought it was dispicable that 94 out of 100 Senators didn't vote on that bill. We pay them to do their job and they don't even vote. But Senator Byrd voted. He's got guts when 94 other weasels don't. Jesse's hero this week is Larry Flynt, publisher of Hustler magazine, for buying the Jessica Lynch pictures and vowing not to publish them.

Tonight was Laurence's episode of Trading Spaces: British Invasion. He did a great bedroom with a red mural of trees and a pillar. And he was under budget too. He met the challenge and emerged victorious.

I saw Kid Rock on the Johnny Cash Tribute concert on CMT. He sang a song I'd never heard before, but it apparently was a Cash song. Kid should give up that rap stuff and come on over to country.

Mom screwed up my tape tonight. I was taping an episode of Kim Possible to add to my video collection and she turned the channel to the Johnny Cash Tribute. Then she got all bent out of shape when I complained, saying she would have to buy her own tv and stuff. Well, the tribute show was on the tv in the Family room. There's no reason she couldn't sit in there with dad to watch it. And I did buy the satellite dish receiver box on the tv I was using for my taping. And I did pay half on the tv. And it wasn't like she would have gotten to watch much of it in here anyway since at 9pm I was going to watch Trading Spaces. I had to give up the whole day of tv for my niece and suffer with Jo Jo's Circus and Rollie Pollie Ollie, and Recess, and the Wiggles, and Stanley, and the Proud Family. Of course, my niece didn't watch but maybe three minutes of tv every hour or so, but that didn't mean I could turn the channel. And I couldn't watch anything in here because the second I come in this room, my niece is all over the computer wanting to see the Catz program. Oh yeah, I forgot Lilo and Stitch. Can't forget that show. And Sister, Sister, and Even Stevens.

But I'm told that I will have the house all to myself for part of the day tomorrow, with both mom and dad out working. Yay!!!!!!!!!!

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