Monday, November 24, 2003

I'm not a fan of his, but even I think it's cruel to put this on the national news.

They should send the U.S. a bill for this!!

Last night's Alias was spectacular!! I still don't know when I'm supposed to start liking Lauren. Hasn't happened yet, even though she did shoot one of the bad guys last night. I loved Jack and Sloane, back in action and stealing top secret security plans for a military base. Being that it's Thanksgiving, it's nice to see the two of them working together. The best part was seeing Jack holding Syd after they sprung her from the evil Lindsay.

Today at work was pretty boring. For some reason, everyone has decided to do audit referrals the last five working days of the month, thereby creating a backlog for me to report to my bosses. Thanks! I know you all have alrts to work, you don't have to do audit referrals. I love how you tell someone something and that someone doesn't listen to any of it. I said, I can't audit this until we get a final order. What did she do? Not five minutes later, she referred the case for audit based on a Temporary order. So now I have an audit referral that is on hold and I can't do anything with it. I can be pretty easy going most of the time, but when I explicitly tell someone something and less than five minutes later, that someone proves that they didn't hear a word of it, I tend to get a little miffed. Good thing it's a holiday week and I've got two days off coming up.

Apparently there is a killer Day after Thanksgiving sale going on at WalMart this week. I've got the ad but haven't had a chance to look at anything. I wonder if it's worth getting up a 3am to stand in line outside for two hours to get in before they are sold out of everything.

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