Thursday, November 06, 2003

I can't wait to see one. I'm one of those people who's collecting all the State quarters.

You're only allowed four fish?

Today was pretty good at work. Except for Little Miss Commissioner. That's a new nickname for an obnoxious state office employee. She thinks she runs the whole Bureau. But I followed Julie's philosophy - I asked myself if this one thing was going to matter to me 5 years from now, and of course I said no. So, I didn't get all hostile about it. Yesterday, Tony was getting teasing emails from the Help desk people because of his little page down problem. They said something about his irresistible animal magnetism and I said, "What animal - an armadillo?" Tony shook his head and said, "Thanks for keeping me humble." So, today, after he left for the other office, I made a sign that gave him the title "Supreme Grand Poobah" of the Sublime Mystical Order of the Armadillo. At the bottom of the sign was the slogan, "Animal Magnetism to Spare". Everyone thought it was hilarious. Don't know what Tony thought. I left work before he got back to the office. I do have a copy of the sign though. It might come in handy again someday.

Monthly statistics came out today and Darlena, Julie and Tracy's caseload increased in all the good things. I sent an email to the bosses to point it out. We don't get enough recognition in our jobs for the good things that happen.

Went shopping tonight at the grocery store. This Kroger Strike is really annoying. I got into the other grocery store and saw only one shopping cart. That meant that every other shopping cart was being used by another customer. Tons of people were in that store and it really sucked. But the line did move pretty quickly.

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