Wednesday, November 05, 2003

I should buy this! It's got my favorite wrestler, Barry Windham, in it. Oh yeah, and the Nature Boy.

It may be your first amendment right, but it can also get you killed if you believe that story about it being a gang initiation tactic.

And I work with some of them...

Today was pretty good at work. A little boring, but we had fun joking with each other. It took Tony an hour to find out he had to page down to the next page to find the option he was looking for in our computer system. I teased him quite a bit over that. I think Fritz tore up some of the carpet in my parents' room a little while ago, I heard something ripping. Brenda, who works with Polly in wood co, officially asked me to return to wood co. It took me a while to find a polite way of saying, "Are you nuts? I'm not working with those insane sweatshop managers." I didn't want to offend my friends who still have to work for them. I told Tony I got an invitation to return and he said, "Do you really think we'll let you leave?". It's nice being liked. And Tracy found out her test scores from her second level training class. So, I made her a certificate and we all signed it to commemorate her achievement in the class.

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