Saturday, November 08, 2003

I like these kinds of stories....

Bush is still inferior. Let's elect Quayle. He's still smarter than the Current Administration.

Did some Christmas shopping today with my sister. We ate too much at a buffet place. The dogs were very excited to see me when I got home. They don't like it when I disappear for the whole day.

Jesse Ventura's America was once again a veritable gem. Tonight's subjects were the $87 Billion we're spending in Iraq and the controversy over a Lt. Col of the military in Iraq who is being court martialed for scaring an Iraqi prisoner into disclosing details about an impending attack on the Colonel's unit. The Colonel didn't lay a hand on the prisoner and the military wants to court martial him. He just completed 20 years of service and his pension will disappear if he's court martialed. Obivously, America's Current Administration has lost all sense. If it ever had any to begin with. America is keeping hundreds of 'enemy combatants' in Cuba without representation and due process but scaring a prisoner in Iraq is somehow wrong. I urge everyone to write their Congresspeople, the White House, the Pentagon with messages of support for this Colonel. In fact, I believe Sen. Jay Rockefeller is on the Armed Services Committee in Congress. Here's a link for more on the story.

And, here's the link for the transcripts of Jesse Ventura's show. Tonight's episode isn't up yet, but it soon will be.

I'm watching Trading Spaces right now. No Handy Andy on this episode, and that nightmare designer, Hildie, has painted a whole room black. I don't think she's ever done a room I like. The chairs and dining room table in this room are being painted bright, bright yellow. A guy just said that it's going to be a giant bumble bee. Another example of how different this show is from Changing Rooms. The designers on Trading Spaces don't listen to the people as well as those on Changing Rooms. Uh-oh, the next episode of TS shows another room being painted black. Where do these people get these ideas?

I missed the lunar eclipse tonight. I was here instead. Oh well. I think it was cloudy out tonight anyway.

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