Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Ooh, the X-Men movie is on tonight. It reminds me that my pre-ordered copy of the X2 dvd should be released soon and on its way to me. I can't wait for all the extras. The ending of the X2 movie still bothers me though. Really good acting from Hugh Jackman, but as someone who reads the comic, that isn't how she 'died' in the comic book. And I want Jubilee to get a bigger role in the next one.

I made my double chocolate dessert of coma tonight for the dinner tomorrow. I taste tested it and it isn't really as good as I thought it would be. Maybe it will be better after it sets for a while, but it just seemed to taste a bit too much like the sweetened condensed milk I used. Oh well, the rule was that we had to bring a covered dish. No one said there had to be food in it (Tracy's interpretation) and no one said the food, if you brought any, had to be edible.

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